A professional photographer and former rock climbing guide for the Yosemite Mountaineering School, Miya finds ways to combine her love of the outdoors with her work through educating others, gear testing, and documenting adventures. Miya is a visual and tactile person, who is always sweating the details whether it be taking someone out climbing for the first time, or editing her favorite shot in Lightroom. She combines this expertise to bring you honest and in-depth reviews on gear she believes in.
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Miya Tsudome
Review Editor
Showing 1-10 of 10 by Miya Tsudome
The Best Duffel Bags
A dependable duffel bag will take you and all your gear on the best adventures and will also make everyday travel a...The Best Insoles
Looking for a new pair of insoles? After researching over 50 pairs available today, our expert reviewers purchased and...Top Pick
KEEN Clearwater CNX Review
Our favorite closed-toe option, this versatile sandal is ready for any warm-weather adventure in the outdoors.Teva Hurricane Verge for Women Review
These sandals cross the gap between form and function for those who want to look good while tackling their favorite...KEEN Astoria West Review
Though not our top choice for a versatile adventure sandal, its cushioned heel and slim fit may be what you're looking...Gregory Supply Duffel Review
A durable bag at an affordable price, this utilitarian duffel is a step up from your average duffel bag.Osprey Ultralight Stuff Duffel Review
This lightweight duffel packs down small and is comfortable to travel with.Marmot Long Hauler Review
A well-rounded duffel that balances durability and weight, and has some of the best storage features and carrying...REI Stuff Travel Duffel Review
This lightweight travel duffel makes a good gym bag, or an extra storage bag to keep in your luggage for when you need...Top Pick